Gift Vouchers

We have gift vouchers available for different courses

Instructional Tandem = 300

Intro & PG1 course = 870

PG2 Course = 3400

Please hit this link which will take you to a google form to choose which service you would like and how to pay

Infinity Gift Voucher

Other Paragliding Courses from Infinity

Advanced Courses

Infinity Paragliding offers a number of Advanced Courses for people who have completed their PG2 Full Pilot License and are looking to further improve their skills in paragliding.

PG1 Course – Beginner

The PG1 course is all about Launching, Flying, and Landing your paraglider ! This will give you a “feel” for the sport. Youll complete your first real flights, and learn many other essential skills about Paragliding.



PG2 Course – Full Pilot

This course will teach you to become an independent pilot who is competent, relaxed and therefore safe, so you will enjoy all that paragliding has to offer for years to come.