For all booking enquiries or if you have any questions contact or use the form at the bottom of this page.
Infinity Paragliding school predominately operates from the Flightpark in Queenstown, New Zealand.
To find the Flightpark either click on the Google Map below or see the detailed directions towards the bottom of the page.
Chris Connolly

Jason Searle

To get to the Flightpark from Queenstown (West) take Gorge Road towards Arthurs Point. Cross the Shotover River and continue along Arthurs Point Road towards Arrowtown. After passing the intersection for Coronet Peak Ski field on the left, continue for another 8km past this intersection along Malaghans Road until you see a large windsock and a sign for the Flightpark on the left, turn left here and continue up the hill to the apex of the road.
To get to the Flightpark from Invercargill (South) take State Highway 6 over the Kawarau River bridge and continue to the roundabout at the BP garage in Frankton. Turn right here staying on SH6 towards Arrowtown. Cross the Shotover River bridge and take the 1st left onto Lower Shotover Road. Follow this onto Hunter Road and continue onto the junction with Malaghans Road. Turn right along Malaghans Road and continue along this road until you see a large windsock and a sign for the Flightpark on the left, turn left here and continue up the hill to the apex of the road.
To get to the Flightpark from Wanaka & Cromwell (North & East) take either the Cardrona valley and Crown Range Roads from Wanaka or the Kawarau Gorge and Gibbston Valley Roads from Cromwell to arrive at the Gibbston Valley Road / Crown Range Road intersection on SH6. From this junction follow SH6 towards Queenstown and Arrowtown for 1km to Arrow Junction, turn right here onto McDonnell Road towards Arrowtown. Follow this road for 1km then turn left, again onto McDonnell Road. Follow this road to its end at the cross roads. Go straight ahead onto Malaghans Road and continue along this road until you see a large windsock and a sign for the Flightpark on the right, turn right here and continue up the hill to the apex of the road.