Overseas visiting Pilots to New Zealand

Firstly welcome to New Zealand and Infinity Paragliding, we hope you have a great time flying the sites within this great country.To make your trip to NZ stress-free we advise that you take the time to read the rest of this page.

We also recommend that you visit the NZHGPA (New Zealand Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association) website for more information, nzhgpa.org.nz/flying-in-nz/

The Civil Aviation Authority regulations require that all paraglider pilots must be members of the NZHGPA. This also applies to overseas visiting pilots.

Visiting pilots can purchase a NZHGPA visiting pilot membership which lasts for four months. This costs $60 and can be purchased at any school or with any instructor in NZ.

Visiting paraglider pilots will be required to present one of the following to be able to obtain a visiting pilot membership - Note: licenses need to be in date and valid:

  • International IPPI with Para Pro 3 or greater with no supervision requirement
  • Australia - Intermediate (PG3 or above)
  • USA - P3
  • Canada - Intermediate
  • Great Britain - Club Pilot
  • Switzerland - Pilot
  • Austria - Grundberechtigung
  • France - Pilot
  • Germany - A License
  • Other Country – Instructor to check with NZHGPA Operations Manager
  • Or an equivalent licence from the following countries: Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Sweden, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine.

For more information, visit: www.nzhgpa.org.nz/flying-in-nz/

Airspace Regulations

Many of our sites are subject to airspace restrictions, especially in Queenstown. Please check with local pilots before flying any site and always read and digest any relevant signs on a take-off.

When you fill a visiting pilot membership form out, the instructor should explain and make sure you also understand the NZ `rules of the air` as per page 4. 

Country Code

We are all dependent on good relations with the Department of Conservation, farmers and other private landowners who own the land we fly on. 

Here are some guidelines to ensure that you and other pilots will be able to continue to fly:

  • ALWAYS CHECK with local pilots before flying at new sites.

  • ALWAYS ASK PERMISSION to fly unless you are absolutely certain that the owner allows the use of the site without asking.

  • CHECK AGAIN at springtime as most farms have pregnant and new-born stock that can easily be frightened and injured.

  • DO NOT show displeasure or abuse an owner if permission is refused. This could hamper getting permission in the future.

  • ALWAYS GET PERMISSION to take a vehicle onto a property. Ensure that vehicles without gliders are not taken onto the property. Put all gliders in one car rather than have a convoy crossing the property. If livestock is nearby, drive slowly.

  • LEAVE GATES as you find them, Gates may be closed to keep stock in or open to allow livestock to feed. Ensure that all pilots and drivers understand.

  • USE STILES and gates wherever possible, if you need to cross a fence, cross at a post or strainer post.

  • AVOID standing or cut hay unless permission has been given to cross it.

  • AVOID landing in a paddock containing crops or stock. Carefully move off crops to avoid damage.

  • DO NOT LIGHT FIRES at any times.

  • DO NOT TAKE DOGS on to farms or property.

  • DO NOT SMOKE during fire risk times.

  • DO NOT disturb plants or machinery, move around it.


The main thing to remember is to have a great time, fly safe and respect the rules, this will keep a `smile on the dial` of every local pilot and for sure you`ll be invited for a beer.

If you have any more questions with regards to membership or sites please feel free to drop us an email or give us a call. 


Happy Flying!!